For Parents

ATTENDANCE Line 586-285-8602

When your child is absent for any reason, we ask that you call our attendance line to report his/her absence. It is available 24 hours. Please call your child in before 9:00 a.m. If you do not call in the absence, you will receive a phone call from our automated messenger system reminding you to call the school.
This is done for the safety of your child. All absences must be verified.
If a child has a fever, they will need to be 24 hour fever free before returning to school.

School begins at 8:14 a.m. Students must be INSIDE THEIR CLASSROOMS by 8:14 a.m.  The first bell rings at 8:10 a.m. Students arriving to school after the second bell - 8:14 a.m. are considered tardy and must come into the office for a tardy pass. If your child leaves before 1:30 pm, it will be considered an absence for the afternoon. If you pick up your child after 1:30 pm - it is considered an Early Pick Up and will be counted as a tardy.

If your child has seen the doctor for an illness, please bring in a doctor’s note. All absences are considered unexcused by the Macomb County Attendance Office for cases of truancy unless a doctor’s note is provided. So be sure to bring in a doctor’s note each time you see the doctor. Unexcused absences are not a problem unless the absences become excessive. Promptness and consistent attendance are very important to your child’s success in school.