For Students

Rodgers Elementary Behavior Expectations Matrix




Media Center




Be Respectful

·    Use kind words.

·    Use active listening.

·    Be quick.

·    Be clean.

·    Be quiet.

·    Follow directions.

·    Enter and Exit quietly.

·    Use table voices.


·    Follow all adult directions.

·    Use appropriate language and inside voices.

·    Use good manners.

·    Raise your hand if you need help.

·    Follow all adult directions.

·    Be kind.

·    Invite others to play.

·    Line up quietly

·    Follow all adult directions.

·    Use appropriate language and inside voices.

·    Be kind.

Be Responsible

·    Be prepared.

·    Follow directions.

·    Clean up after yourself.

·    Do your personal best.

·    Flush the toilet.

·    Wash hands with soap.

·    Return to class.

·    Clean up after yourself.

·    Return books on time.

·    Treat books with care.


·    Keep food/drink at table area.

·    Respond to “quiet” signal when prompted.

·    Clean up your own table/floor area.

·    Be prepared for lunch.

·    Sit in assigned areas.

·    Report disruptions, accidents and injuries to an adult.

·    Follow established procedures.

·    Stay in designated playground areas.

·    Leave food and drink in your bag.

·    Line up in assigned area.

Be Safe

·    Keep hands, feet, objects and put downs to yourself.


·    Make good choices about your behavior.

·    Keep your hands, feet, objects and put downs to yourself.

·    Sit on chair with ‘four on the floor’.

·    No running or jumping off risers.

·    Keep your hands, feet and objects, and put downs to yourself.

·    Stay seated.

·    Follow line procedures.

·    Eat your own lunch.

·    Keep your hands, feet and objects, and put downs to yourself.

·    Take turns.


·    Follow line procedures.

·    Keep hands, feet, objects, and put downs to yourself.

·    Enter your class only when teacher is present.


Computer Lab





Indoor Recess

Be Respectful

·    Follow all adult directions.

·    Enter and exit quietly.

·    Use appropriate language and volume.

·    Be kind.

·    Treat computer equipment w/care.

·    Close locker doors quietly.

·    Respect other classes that are working.

·    Use quiet feet and voices.


·    Follow all directions from safeties and adults.

·    Use appropriate language and volume.

·    Treat others and their belongings with kindness.

·    Follow all adult directions.

·    Use kind words and actions.

·    Keep hands off all office supplies and materials that belong to others.

·    Clap with your hands.

·    Sit on your bottom with hands in your lap.

·    Use quiet feet on bleachers.

·    Look for “Give me 5”.

·    Follow all adult directions.

·    Treat classroom materials with care.

·    Use inside voices.

·    Invite others to play.


Be Responsible

·    Get permission to print.

·    Report inappropriate sites.

·    Exit all program by leaving.

·    Stay in assigned seats.


·    Keep lockers clean and closed at all times.

·    Walk right to where you’re supposed to be.

·    Walk right to where you are supposed to be.

·    Remember to keep all personal items with you.

·    Enter/exit through assigned doors.

·    Follow grade level line procedures.

·    Tell the truth.

·    Go directly to desk and let the secretaries know why you are there.

·    Stay with your class.

·    Enter and leave quietly.

·    Be a good role model.

·    Put materials away after use.

·    Follow classroom rules.

·    Treat materials with care.

Be  Safe

·    Sit in your chair correctly.

·    Push in your chair when you leave.

·    Always walk faced forward like ladies and gentlemen.

·    Keep your hands, feet, belongings and put downs to yourself.

·    Wait patiently in line.

·    Keep your hands, feet, belongings and put downs to yourself.

·    Go straight to your pick-up place.

·    Stay on sidewalks.

·    Dress for the weather.

·    Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.



·    Keep your hands, feet, objects, and put downs to yourself.


·    Keep your hands, feet, objects and put downs to yourself.

·    Take turns.